A struggling writer discovers a hidden piece of Spanish history. Will it be his salvation or his downfall? Donny, an American teaching English in the Madrid, Spain of the Great Recession, is a recovering addict who’s spent the last ten years struggling to write a novel. To fulfill his lifelong dream, he’s put everything else […]
These six short stories will take you on a twist-filled journey through the horror and tragedy of human vulnerability. Ain’t Nobody Smokes a Marlboro in Boston – Alex is back home after concluding his studies in Boston, but he resents his Midwestern roots. Can a construction worker help Alex mend his relationship with his father […]
Read the first few chapters of Beneath Madrid for free
The reviews for Beneath Madrid show that it's a fast-paced thriller that makes readers want to turn the page for more. Did you know you could read the first few chapters for free and judge for yourself? Just click here or on the image below to find out if Beneath Madrid is worthy of becoming your next read: … Read more
What are readers saying about Beneath Madrid?
I always love to hear how readers react to my work and what patterns emerge from their feedback. And let's face it, it's even better when the feedback is as positive as the initial comments on my new novel, Beneath Madrid. "Fast-paced" is definitely the word I hear most. Would you believe it? I was worried that the third person limited point of view would slow it down a little too much. But it looks like the short chapters and raw, sparse prose are paying off. In terms of style and pacing, … Read more
My new novel, Beneath Madrid, is now available
Today’s the day, folks! My first novel, Beneath Madrid, is available in e-book and paperback on Amazon worldwide. You can grab a copy at your local Amazon site by clicking here. I’d appreciate it if you could help me get the word out by sharing this post and telling any of your friends who would enjoy a good hybrid of psychological thriller & mystery. While I’m at it, allow me to get up on my soapbox for a sec. Never let go of your dreams. They may morph, transform, and lead you down … Read more
About Jason Paul Barker
Jason Paul Barker is the author of Guilt Trips, a 2013 short story collection that examines human tragedy and vulnerability as it winds its way between literary fiction and psychological horror, and the 2016 novel, Beneath Madrid, a dark psychological mystery thriller set in Jason's adopted home of Madrid, Spain. He is currently working on his second novel, a mystery thriller whose characters illustrate the tragedy of the Rust Belt, tentatively scheduled for an early 2022 release. A native of the small town of Albany, Indiana, Jason graduated from the University of Denver before moving to his … Read more